Please follow these 7 easy steps to make a reservation:
1. Click on the "reservation" link to the left and scroll down to the bottom.
2. Click on the date you whish to book
3. In the text field to the right enter first and last name of all participants. Click on “Add to Shopping Cart”
4. Update the quantity in your shopping cart to match the amount of tour participants and click on “Update”. Click on “Check Out”
5. Fill in Billing and Shipping info. Make sure to check “I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy” box. Click on “Next Step”
6. Verify info on the reservation and enter Credit Card Info. Click on “CHARGE MY CREDIT CARD”
7. Last page should state” Congratulation and thank you. You have successfully completed your transaction”
If you have any problems, please email us at or call us at 1-646-403-5653